I've used my sewing time to make a tree skirt for my oldest daughter and stockings for two granddaughters. My original plan was to do alternate wedges in the crazy quilt method used on the stockings in a previous post. Time dictated otherwise and I went with solid fabric wedges. The visible quilting around the outer edge is done with glow-in-the-dark thread. DD's reaction to the tree skirt was "PERFECT!", which is the absolute perfect ego stroke for me! Last year, she used her quilt as a tree skirt. The back of that quilt is the darkest snowflake fabric in the tree skirt.
Zoe and Kyra will have Christmas stockings. I used just a few chile fabrics from my huge collection. Most of my family has cross-stitched stockings. I started making quilted stockings for my grandchildren.
December 5, 2007. updated my website. dusted family room. washed my cell phone. sold some fabric. ate cookies. colored my hair. washed dishes. wrote checks. cleaned litter box. sewed. read email. drove carpool. made doctor's appointment. updated palm pilot. watched the news. read a book. made a list. mailed letters. took out trash. brushed the cat. shredded papers. folded a quilt. talked to myself. woke up girls. watered cactus. had sex. did a load of laundry. called dh. listened to dd read her essay. ate crackers. drank diet pepsi. ignored the bathroom scale. was rude to a telemarketer. found the new box of frosted flakes in the pantry for dd. listened to voice mail. brushed my teeth. drove to tkd studio. hugged dh. uploaded photos to flickr. urged dd to get out of bed set timer. got the mail. sent email. turned off lights. washed my hands. fed cat. walked upstairs. walked downstairs. ironed fabric. smiled. emptied lint trap. checked size of furnace filter. measured and cut fabric. wrote notes on quilt construction. talked on the phone. sat quietly. took a shower. searched for my cell phone. soaked spaghetti-stained spoon in bleach. put neighbor's trash can by her garage door. recycled paper. talked to the dog. listened to the wind blow. sang along with the radio. gave the dog a treat. cooked supper. saw christmas lights. listened to book on cd. lit a candle. watched the weather channel. loaded the dishwasher. waited for dd to get out of dance class. drank water. mourned for the 8 victims of a senseless shooting spree at westroads mall.